Backup Files to an External Drive


Instruction for employees to backup their data using an external drive on a Windows PC running Windows 7 and Windows 10.

How To: Backup to an External Drive

  1. Plug-in an external Hard Disk Drive (HDD) or USB flash drive (thumb drive) via open USB port
  2. Locate your personal files/folders
  • By default, personal data (files/folders) are normally stored in C:\Users\”YourUserName”, If you created a custom folder or choose to save your data elsewhere, you will need to backup those files/folders. See instruction below on how to locate default location for personal files/folders.
  • We recommend doing a backup of the folders highlighted in the following screenshot (Desktop, Documents, Downloads, Favorites, Music, Pictures, and Videos)

Windows Explorer view of files

  1. Select the files/folders where you have personal data stored, right-click and select copy
  2. Navigate to your external drive and paste your files/folders onto your external drive to make backup copies

How To: Find Personal Files and Folders in Windows 10:

  1. By default, personal data (files/folders) are normally stored in C:\Users\”YourUserName”, If you created a custom folder or choose to save your data elsewhere, you will need to backup those files/folders.
  2. Click on Start
  3. Type File Explorer
  4. Click on File Explorer to open the app
  5. Click on Local Disk (C:)
  6. Click on Users
  7. Click on the folder with your username

How To: Find Personal Files and Folders in Windows 7:

  1. Click on Start
  2. Click on Computer
  3. Click on Local Disk (C:)
  4. Click on Users
  5. Click on the folder with your username
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Article ID: 51346
Mon 4/2/18 12:24 PM
Thu 6/28/18 1:43 PM