How to: Change your Display Name in Canvas


Your Display Name is the name visible to the other students and faculty in your course(s). By default, Canvas pulls your name from the registration system, and uses it as your Display Name. If you would like to change these settings, you can do so within your Canvas account settings by following the steps below. 

Change your Canvas Display Name:

  1. Go to Canvas
  2. Click on Account, located in the navigation bar to the left
  3. Click on Settings
  4. Click on the Edit Settings button, located on the right, part way down from the top of the page
  5. Enter your name as you would like it displayed in the Display Name field
  6. Click the blue, Update Settings button to save your changes
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Article ID: 54304
Tue 5/22/18 7:57 AM
Tue 2/26/19 3:48 PM