How To: Activate your Account in ctcLink


Instructions for how to activate your ctcLink account for initial setup.



This guide will show you how to activate your ctcLink account. During this process you will get your ctcLink ID number and create your ctcLink password.

● Note: Make sure to safely store the password you create and write down the ctcLink ID number once your account is activated.
● Note: Contact the Bellevue College ITS Service Desk if you have problems with sign-in credentials, usernames, passwords or student ID numbers.
● Note: Disable pop-up blockers in your browser.

Part 1: Activate Your Account

1. Go to the ctcLink Sign In page (often called a Log In page):
2. At the bottom of the Sign In screen, click the Activate Your Account link.

"Screenshot of the ctcLink sign in page with activate your account selected"

3. The Activate Your Account page will display. Enter your full legal First Name and Last Name. Make sure you have entered your name correctly. (If your legal name is a single name — such as Pran, Madonna or Nani — you must enter a hyphen [-] in the First Name field and enter your single name in the Last Name field.)

"screenshot of the ctcLink activate your account page showing the first name and last name fields"

4. Enter your Date of Birth (MM/DD/YYYY) or use the calendar icon.

"screenshot of the ctcLink activate your account page showing the date of birth menu"

5. Select an ID Type from the drop-down menu:
● SID (old) if you are a current or returning Bellevue College student or employee. (Your SID is a 9-digit number. Employees use it to access Instructor Briefcase and the Time & Leave Reporting [TLR] system, and students use for it for web registration.)
● ctcLink ID (new) if you are a new student or employee.

"screenshot of the ctcLink activate your account page showing the ID type dropdown"

6. Enter either your Bellevue College SID or ctcLink ID. Click the Submit button.

"screenshot of the ctcLink activate your account page showing the ID type field"

7. If you do not provide the correct name or date of birth, you will receive an error message that says Your ctcLink ID could not be created. Click the OK button and return to step 3.

"screenshot of the error message if your name or date of birth do not match"

Part 2: Set Your Password

8. After completing the initial Sign In screen, the Set Your Password page will display.
Enter your preferred Email address.
Select a Security Question from the drop-down menu.
Provide the Answer to your security question.
• ctcLink provides account recovery options. This feature is useful when you don’t have access to your email. Enter your phone number in the Phone Number (SMS) field to receive the code via text or in the Phone Number (Voice) field for the voice option.
Create your password by entering it in the Password field. Password must be at least eight characters and include at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter and one number. Do not use all or part of your first or last name as part of your password.
Enter the same password in the Confirm Password field.
Click the Submit button.

"screenshot of the ctcLink set your password page"

9. A pop-up message will display. Reminder: Write down your ctcLink ID number and safely store your password.

"screenshot of the your account has been activated message that contains your ctclLink ID number"

10. Click the OK button.
11. The Account Activation confirmation message will display. Click the Close button. Make sure to close all browser windows completely (including all open tabs) for updates to take place.

"screenshot of the account activation successfully completed message"

12. You have successfully activated your ctcLink account.



Article ID: 139153
Wed 11/3/21 12:46 PM
Fri 11/19/21 3:53 PM