If you’re not an employee, but you’re working with the college as a volunteer, vendor or in another capacity, and need to log into a college computer, there are two ways to get a NetID:
A – Request non-employee account
Accounts created in this manner can only be updated and managed by network administrators.
- Read the college policies related to network use:
- Print and complete the Non-Employee Network Account Request Form [PDF].
- Submit the completed form for approval to your supervisor or sponsoring department.
Your supervisor or sponsoring department will send the form to Information Technology Services so that the account can be manually created.
The submitting supervisor will be notified about your user name and password once your account has been created. This may take as much as 72 hours after the form is submitted.
B – Register as a volunteer and create and manage your account yourself
Employees of the college and non-employees registered as a volunteer with the Human Resources (HR) office (425.564.2274) can create their own NetID accounts using their own EmplID.
Using this method for creating a non-employee account also allows the individual to subsequently use the NetID website to manage their account.
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