LTI's (Learning Tools Interoperability) in Canvas

Tags Canvas LTI


What is an LTI?

An LTI connects Canvas to third party tools (i.e. Pearson or Course Evaluations) to provide seamless access to students and faculty. There are typically two ways that Bellevue College integrates LTI's: Globally or at the Course Level. If an LTI is integrated globally, all courses at Bellevue College have the ability to use it. If the LTI was integrated at the Course Level, only those specific courses will have access to the LTI. Once an LTI has been integrated, there are two main ways to activate it within a course: in the Course Navigation, or by adding an External Tool within Modules. They way the LTI is activated in a course depends on how the third party has set it up.

The table below lists the global LTI's at Bellevue College. If there is an LTI that you wish to add to your course that is not listed below, you will need to submit a ticket for assistance.

How can I activate a global LTI in my course?

There are two primary ways to activate the LTI's listed on this page. In the table, the column marked "Access" will state which way you can activate the LTI in your course.


  1. Open your course
  2. Go to Settings on the left
  3. Click on Navigation at the top
  4. Click and drag your choice to the top
  5. Scroll to the bottom and click Save


  1. Open your course
  2. Go to Modules
  3. In the desired module, click the "+" sign
  4. Under "Add", click on the drop down and select External Tool
  5. Scroll down and click on the LTI that you would like to use
    1. Note that there are two scroll bars, use the smaller one
  6. Scroll down and fill in the remaining information as needed.
    1. Tip: If an LTI doesn't load in Canvas, try selecting "Load in a new tab"

What global LTI's are currently in use at Bellevue College and what do they do?

  • LTI: This colum will link to either the third party's site or directions created by Bellevue College
  • Description: A brief description as to what the LTI can do
  • Access: Whether the LTI can be activated within Modules, Navigation or both
LTI Description Access
Academic Success Center Links to the Academic Success Center at Bellevue College.  
ALEKS ALEKS is a research-based, online learning program that offers course products for Math, Chemistry, Statistics, and more. Users with paid access
Ally Checks accessibility for Word, PDF and Graphics in a Canvas course.  
Amazon Education Go digital. Student anywhere. Amazon is committed to building effective learning solutions to support educators and students.  
New Analytics

Data is refreshed for published courses in the New Analytics dashboard every 24 hours. Report data may be delayed by 24 hours; however, Course Activity Report data may be delayed by 40 hours. Only active and completed student enrollments are included in data for New Analytics. Deleted or inactive user enrollments do not generate data.

Attendance/Roll Call Attendance can be taken electronically through Canvas. Face-to-face courses can also use this tool.  
Badgr/ Canvas Credentials Badgr (now known as Canvas Credentials) is a free end-to-end platform for collecting, organizing, sharing and issuing Open Badges.  
Canvas Credentials 1.1 (Legacy)    
Cengage Learning Mindlinks Find the right set of materials for the current unit or assignment, correct online assignments. Post grades for those same assignments.  
Cidi Labs DesignPLUS DesignPLUS is a time-saving, easy-to-use Canvas plug-in that helps you rapidly build and style high-quality courses that make learning engaging and accessible for all students. Teachers
Cidi Labs Multi-Tool   Teachers
Disability Resources Links to the Disability Resource Center at Bellevue College.  
Dropbox Dropbox users select and link to files within course content or in conjunction with homework submissions.  
ELAB Advantage App   Users with paid access

Films on Demand

Films on Demand provides online streaming videos on general topics as well as allied heath topics.  

Follett BryteWave

BryteWave Reader is a platform designed to access your digital textbooks  
Follett Willo Digital Delivery 1.3   Teachers
Google Assignments 1.3 Leveraging the collaborative power of Google Workspace for Education, it allows educators to distribute, analyze, and grade student work. All users


Gradescope helps instructors grade problem sets and other assignments more quickly and consistently while still allowing for detailed feedback. Teachers
Honorlock Honorlock's online test proctoring services combine the benefits of AI software with those of live test proctors. Teachers
Keyboarding Online   Users with paid access
LabSim LTI Adv   Users with paid access
LibGuides An easy-to-use content management system deployed at thousands of libraries worldwide. Librarians use it to curate knowledge and share information, organize class and subject specific resources, and to create and manage websites.  
Library Links to Library at Bellevue College.  
LinkedIn (Previously Bellevue College licensed resource that provides a vast array of training material online. This amazing resource is available to all students and employees with current Bellevue College login credentials.  
MacMillan Learning Links to Publisher's website.  
McGraw-Hill Connect Links to Publisher's website.  
MH Campus Provides single sign-on access and gradebook sync to McGraw-Hill.  
Microsoft Teams Meetings Microsoft Teams meetings is an LTI app that helps educators and students easily incorporate Teams meetings into their LMS course. Teachers
MIT OCW Massachusetts Institute of Technology open course ware.  
MyLab and Mastering Links to Pearson electronic textbooks.  
JBLearning Comprehensive print and digital solutions combine authoritative content with innovative technology to help educators teach more effectively and students learn more efficiently.  
Office 365 Upload files directly into Canvas from Office 365.  
OneNote Class Notebook Have a personal workspace for every student, a content library for handouts and a collaboration space for activities.  
OneNote Class Notebook Add-in The Class Notebook Add-in is free for OneNote 2021, 2019, 2016, 2013, and OneNote for Microsoft 365. It includes tools to distribute pages, review student work, and integrate your notebook with LMS. Mac and OneNote for Windows 10 users do note need to download the add-in, it will automatically appear after you create or open a Class Notebook.  
OneNote Class Notebook Module Same as Onenote ClassNotebook  
Online Tutoring An online tutoring platform allows tutors to work with you synchronously and asynchronously.  
Panopto Quiz In Panopto you have the ability to add quiz questions to any Panopto video at any point during the presentation. Quizzes can only be taken by users that are signed into your Panopto site.  
Panopto Recordings Cloud-based video lecture capture tool for training, teaching, and presenting.  
Pearson Links to Publishers Site.  
Pearson Access Pearson Access is a comprehensive, cloud-based management system for large-scale assessments. Users with paid access
Perusall 1.3 Transform nearly any type of course content into a social learning experience, driving meaningful engagement and deeper understanding. Teachers
Public Resources Links to popular video repositories such as YouTube,  TedEd, Vimeo, KahnAcademy and Quizlet.  
Respondus LockDown Browser A custom browser that locks down the testing environment within a learning management system. Used at over 1500 higher educational institutions, LockDown Browser is the “gold standard” for securing online exams in classrooms or proctored environments.  
SCORM SCORM defines a specific way of constructing Learning Management Systems (LMS) and training content so that they work well with other SCORM conformant systems.


SimCheck Verify the originality of student work via a plagiarism checker.  
Student Rights Links to Bellevue College site.  
Stukent First-in-the-world 'Simternships' and up-to-date courseware to help educators help students help the world. Users with paid access
Terracotta 1.3 Terracotta is a Canvas plug-in that allows teachers and researchers to embed studies directly in their LMS course sites. Teacher role with exceptions
TidyUP TidyUP is a fast and easy way to check for and delete unused files and pages in Canvas. Teachers
VitalSource Bookshelf Electronic textbooks from a variety of publishers. Contact the Bookstore for more information.  
Watermark CE&S 1.3 A centralizing system capable of driving critical action in leadership, student success, and continuous improvement. Admin
Watermark/ Evaluations Watermark has replaced 'Evalkit/Evaluations 
For questions, please contact
Willo Labs Grade Sync   Teachers
zyBooks 1.3 Tool Replace your textbook with an affordable, interactive STEM zyBook proven to build confidence and save time. Users with paid access

What Global LTI's have been disabled for the college?

Global LTI's can be deactivated when the vendor is no longer supporting the LTI, or Bellevue College is no longer using the LTI. This list will share what LTI's were previously available, but are no longer in use.

  • OneDrive LTI: Retired
  • ConexEd (Cranium Cafe): Retired Fall, 2022
  • Vericite: Retired December 16th, 2020. Deprecated system which was replaced by SimCheck.
  • Quizlet Flash Cards: Retired April 22, 2020. Integration was not working and vendor was not replying to requests for assistance.
  • Mediasite: Retired December, 2019
  • Mediasite Catalog: Retired December, 2019
  • Canvabadges: Retired by Canvas October 1, 2018. All badges were migrated by Canvas to Badgr.
  • Office Mix: Retired on May 1, 2018. Microsoft was retiring the tool. No true replacement at this time.
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