Service Catalog

Categories (12)

Accounts & Permissions

View Account & Permission related services and/or request help.


View Canvas-related services, like Canvas Roles, Course Shells or request Canvas help.

Classrooms & Computer Labs

View Classroom & Lab related services such as software installations, printing and/or request help.

Computer Hardware

View Hardware related services such as installations, equipment moves, and/or request help.

Computer Software

View Software related services such as OnTheHub, Microsoft Imagine, Office for Home Use and/or request help.

ctcLink Security Permissions

Submit a request to assign ctcLink security permissions to a specific employee.

Email, OneDrive & Office 365

Report issues or request help with OneDrive, Office 365, Email and Calendar

Network & Internet

Report Issues or request help with Network or Internet Connectivity; wired or wireless.


View Printing related services such as printing refunds, toner replacements and/or request help.

TargetX & Salesforce

Requests related to TargetX & Salesforce

Website Applications

View Website Application related services such as WordPress, report a problem and/or request help.

Can't find what you're looking for?

Click here to submit a request if you cannot find a Service related to your inquiry.

Services (1)

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