Printer Usage and Printing Guidelines


Smart Printing Guidelines

Smart Printing was adopted by Bellevue College as cost savings and sustainability effort.  The guidelines were developed by Information Technology Services and the BC Environmental Advisory Committee with full support from the President’s cabinet.  The smart printing guidelines started on campus in July 2012.


Hardware and Equipment

  • No more Inkjets Printers supported – The college will no longer support Inkjet printers or ink purchases, and these purchases will no longer be approved through other means with college funds.  Inkjet printers and ink are very costly and perform poorly in an institutional setting requiring technical support.
  • Purchases for any desktop printers now require approval – Purchase for a desktop printer (non-inkjet) will be restricted to special approval by President’s Staff.  All personal desktop printers will be networked and connected to PaperCut.  The use of networked work group printers are encouraged.
  • Network printers will print in duplex mode– Network printers will be configured to print duplex (doubled sided) prints by default. Individual users may still print single-sided print jobs by selecting this option in individual print jobs.


  • New paper tracking software, PaperCut now in use – First used successfully as a tool for students in labs and classrooms last winter quarter, PaperCut is new software now being deployed to all college computers. PaperCut is designed to help you see the amount of paper you’ve printed over a span of time.

Other ways you can help the cause

  • Include student printing guidelines in your syllabus.
  • Provide a method to submit assignments electronically or if you or your students are planning to print materials, encourage double sided printing.
  • Avoid requiring students to turn in an assignment on singled sided paper.
  • Consider if you or your students require a printed copy or if an electronic copy will suffice.
  • Use print services and request duplex printing.
  • Consider electronic evaluations rather than the labor intensive paper version.
  • Read more tips on reducing paper.
  • Request to utilize a networked printer – submit a ticket for assistance and a technician will follow up with you.

SMART Printing FAQ

  • I need a personal desktop printer in my office for printing secure information.

Having a printer that is in your office does not make your documents more secure, Bellevue College employees are encouraged to use the Sharp printers/copiers to ensure the utmost security when printing sensitive documents.

  • I want to bring in my own personal desktop printer for my own use.

Personally owned devices will not be supported.  Institutional purchases (paper, ink, toner)for personally owned devices is against purchasing policy.

  • I don’t have a network drop for my printer in my office, can I connect it locally via USB?

All printers will be connected to PaperCut.  This requires a dedicated network drop in the location of the personal desktop printer, if there is no drop available IR will have a new drop pulled to the location (additional fees apply).

  • How do I get access to a Sharp Copier or Network Workgroup Printer?

Review Knowledge Base articles related to printers and printing Printing information


Article ID: 29507
Wed 4/19/17 9:43 AM
Wed 4/19/17 10:07 AM