The MyBC SharePoint Governance guideline is an informational reference document provided to convey the purpose and design of the MyBC site.
Purpose of the MyBC site
The purpose and design of the MyBC site is to provide a central and secure location for storing internal Bellevue College data in one location. The MyBC site serves the purpose of content management and collaboration of internal BC data.
Permission to access data
All Bellevue College employees and students have permission to access the MyBC home page and all top-level site collections of offices and divisions.
- Permission to access data beyond the MyBC home page and top-level site collections is the role of the site collection administrator and subsite owners. The responsibility and understanding of assigning permissions to view data should be taken seriously.
Public data
Data for public access viewing should be stored on the Bellevue College public web site
- If there is a need to reference data within MyBC that is available on the Bellevue College public site, insert a link to the public site location.
Design and architectural structure standards for the MyBC site
The MyBC site design standards exist to keep consistency across sites.
Standard BC templates have been developed for use to create subsites and pages. Altering the standards on sites and pages will break the default settings. The effect of those changes may cause unintentional and irreversible results.
Knowledge base articles are available to provide information on following standards for MyBC sites and pages.
Visit MyBC Knowledge Base Articles for more detailed information related to the standards for creating subsites and pages.
Site Collection home page standard
- Global Navigation bar: The Global Navigation bar (see image below) on sites should not be altered. Although it is possible to alter the Global Navigation by someone that has permission, altering will result in non-conformity of navigation between sites. The standardization and design of the Global Navigation was intentional.

- Contacts: By design and default, every site collection has a list of three Contacts displaying on the home page of the site collection. The intention and standardization for the Contacts list is to provide the names of the site collection administrators of the site and the division or department head when accessing the site collection home page. The site collection administrators should be referenced about any issues related to the sites.
- Related Links: Each site collection has a Related Links section that provides quick access to other related resources. Often times these links are used to access sites on the Bellevue College public site.
- Left Navigation pane aka Quick Launch: This area provides easy access to subsites and other data within the site collection. This pane can be altered minimally by the site collection administrator.
- Banner Image: The banner image and caption on the site collection can be managed by the site collection administrator.
- Footer: Lists all the Offices
Site Collection subsites and pages
- The layout design of the subsite is similar to the parent site collection. Information within the subsite will differ from the site collection.
- Any additional subsites and pages created under a site collection should choose the default templates and instructions as documented in the Knowledge base articles.
- The Contacts list on subsites should, at minimum, identify the subsite owner. The subsite owner should be referenced about issues related to the subsite.
Images used on sites
- Bellevue College has guidelines for using images on sites. Reference to these guidelines can be found at BC Style Guide
- Each site has a section for the banner image.
- The standard banner image size for sites is 1400 × 400 pixels
- The above link references access to images that are available to use
- Contacts image size
- Recommended image size for the Contacts is 72x65 pixels. You can use larger images but may need to crop them for a proportional fit.
Support for the MyBC site
- The Information Technology Services division is responsible for the MyBC high-level settings and home page content.
- Site Collection Administrators are responsible for managing the site collection, data on the site and permissions within the site.
- If there is a problem with MyBC and the site collection administrator has been notified but is unable to assist, ITS can be contacted.
- Submit a ticket to ITS. ITS Service Desk
- Contact the ITS Service Desk located in A109 by calling 425-564-4357
Additional SharePoint Apps
- Installing new apps from the SharePoint Microsoft store will not be available to users.
- Installing new apps can only be done by the SharePoint tenant administrator after going through an extensive review process. Please submit a ticket to begin this process.
- Apps can only be installed for all users of SharePoint, not for individual sites or users.