How to use the Slideshow/Carousel in the Bellevue College CMS


Instructions on how to use the integrated homepage slider/slideshow/carousel within the Mayflower theme used by the Bellevue College website content management system.

How to activate slider

If Featured Slider does not show for you in your WordPress dashboard, you can activate it by

  1. From the WordPress Dashboard Hover over Appearance, then click Customize
  2. Click Mayflower Theme
  3. Click Home Page Settings
  4. Check the Enable Home Page Slider feature checkbox
  5. Select the desired Slider Layout
  6. Click Publish

How to add slides

  1. From the WordPress Dashboard, click Featured Slider
  2. Click Add New
  3. Type Slide Title in the Title field (required)
  4. Type a short slide subtitle (or description) in the main text area (optional)
  5. Enter slide URL (page you would like the slide to link to) in Slide URL field. Every slide must link somewhere! Do not leave this field blank.
  6. Click Featured Image and upload the slide image
    • Image must be at least 1200px wide and 500px tall
    • Alternative text must be defined for the image
  7. Click Publish to make slide available

Visual representation of directions on how to add a slide

How to re-order slides

  1. From the WordPress Dashboard, click Featured Slider
  2. Click Re-Order on the sidebar
  3. Drag and drop slides to change order. Slide on top will show first.
  4. Changes take place immediately- no saving necessary.