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Instructions on how to login into an official Bellevue College website site and establish a profile.
Information about the sections available in the Bellevue College core site so that you can select the correct ones when requesting access.
If you are a Bellevue College website manager who is currently using the new WordPress 'Gutenberg' Block Editor, we have created the following custom blocks for you to use. They are documented below. Other blocks are part of WordPress Core, and are documented on
Forms that collect protected student information that falls under FERPA, PII, or other protections should be located in Bellevue College's Forms Server. This article covers how to access and use forms on the BC forms server, and how they differ from forms located within the main BC website.
Instructions for adding link to pages on the BC public website (within the BC WordPress-based Content Management System) that lead users to documents such as PDFs, DOCXs, and others.
Gravity Forms is used for forms across the Bellevue College website. In order for notification emails to function, Gravity Forms needs to be configured very specifically. This article walks you through these settings.
Instructions on how to use the integrated homepage slider/slideshow/carousel within the Mayflower theme used by the Bellevue College website content management system.
Our website includes the functionality to display employees in an informative, easy to manage way. You can add and edit employees through the ‘Staff’ section of the wordpress dashboard.