Sometimes meetings include those who are not affiliated with Bellevue College. While it is best to login to Teams with a BC account, you can login to a meeting as guest. This is a great option if you need to have a guest speaker or if you are new to the college and don't have a Bellevue email address yet. Teams meetings will always have a phone number and a conference ID attached to them, so anyone can call into a meeting if they are unable to access the meeting through their computer.
Joining a Meeting as a Guest
The meeting organizer will send you a link to join the meeting. If possible, use Microsoft Edge to join the meeting. If this is not an option, you may have to install Adobe Flash player in order to access the meeting.
Note: When joining a meeting as a guest, you will be using the Teams web app - the online version of Teams, hosted through your web browser. This allows guests to attend meetings without being required to download and install Teams.
- Check your email for the Teams Meeting invite and click the Join Microsoft Teams Meeting link.
- Select Cancel, then click Join on the web instead (in some cases, depending on your web browser, you will not be required to click Cancel. In these cases, skip directly to clicking Join on the web instead)
- You will be prompted to allow access to your Microphone and Camera
- Enter your name and choose your audio and video settings, if needed
- Click Join Now
- You will see a notice "Someone in the meeting should let you in soon". You will have to wait for the organizer to let you know.
Call into a Meeting
When the meeting organizer sends you information on the Teams meeting, the invitation should include a phones number (i.e. +1 206-899-2345) and a conference ID (i.e Conference ID: 413 309 055#). You can dial the phone number from your phone, and then you will be prompted to enter the conference ID. This will allow you to join the meeting via phone. For more detailed directions, see the "related article" on this page.
Admitting a Guest to a Meeting
If you are the meeting organizer and have sent the meeting invitation to someone outside of Bellevue College. You will need to "admit them from the lobby" in order to have them join the meeting.
- Add them to the meeting invitation by using the email address they provided you. This is the same way that you add someone who has a Bellevue College email.
- As the organizer, you can change the settings so that guests wait in the lobby until you are ready
- Open the meeting details
- Go to Meeting Details
- A new window will open
- Change the settings for Who can bypass the lobby
- If you changes the lobby settings,once you are in the meeting, you will see a notification appear on screen
- Click on Admit or View Lobby to admit the person or people waiting