Computer Software

Knowledge about Computer Software

Articles (24)

Accessibility for Microsoft Teams

Articles on Microsoft Teams Accessibility.

Adobe Creative Cloud Temporarily Available for Students on Personal Devices

Bellevue College students can download Adobe Creative Cloud apps on personal devices. Adobe is providing this temporary access to students while classes are not being conducted in campus classrooms.

Backup Files to an External Drive

Knowledge about backing up files on a Windows computer


Installation of EDConnect

Guest access to a Microsoft Team Meeting

How to join a Teams Meeting as a guest.

How to: Call into a Team Meeting

Calling into a Microsoft Team Meeting.

Install Microsoft Teams on a Personal Device

Download and install MS Teams.

Instructions for accessing software from Imagine

Knowledge about accessing software distributed through Microsoft Imagine based on specific course enrollment

Live Events in Microsoft Teams

Information about Live Events in Teams.

Locate Windows Version

Steps for Locating the Version of Windows Operating Systems

Microsoft Company Portal

The Company Portal is a Microsoft application that allows Bellevue College (BC) employees to access and install ITS approved software without requiring administrative rights. Currently, ITS has pushed out and installed the Company Portal on Windows devices.

Microsoft Office 365 for Home Use on a Mac or PC

Knowledge about Office 365 that is available to Bellevue College students and employees

Microsoft Office Lens

Office Lens is a great way to capture notes and info from whiteboards, menus, signs, handwritten memos, or anything with a lot of text. You don’t need to jot down notes, rely on blurry images or worry about misplacing anything. It’s great for capturing sketches, drawings and equations too, and even images without text.

Microsoft Teams Class Creation for Faculty

Move your on-campus class to Teams. This will also help you get setup for Teams if you are not teaching a course.

Microsoft Teams Quickstart

Get started using Microsoft Teams! Here we've compiled a short video series for you to get more familiar with Teams. We've also included some in-depth content, for those looking to learn Teams more comprehensively.

Repeated Prompts to Unlock “Local Items” Keychain on a Mac

Knowledge about resolving issue with Keychain repeated prompts

Setting up Meetings with Microsoft Teams

Setup a meeting using Teams.

Standard Software on BC Computers

Knowledge about standard software installation on campus computers

Teams Guide for Students

Bellevue College provides technology that students can use to collaborate and communicate with their classmates and instructors in several different ways. One such tool is Microsoft Teams. This article will explain how to join your instructor's class using Microsoft Teams. We will discuss how to get the software, and how to navigate to your class' team.

Teams Rollout

Teams is being rolled out. Find out what that means for you by reading this article.

Translate web pages in Google Chrome

Translate web pages in Google Chrome web browser.

Use of demonstration or test software on college computers

Knowledge about legalities of demo, personal or trial software on Bellevue College computers

Zoom Live Transcription

Zoom Live Transcription