How to: Get Started with Canvas


Canvas is Bellevue College’s Learning Management System (LMS). All courses at Bellevue College have a Canvas site. Depending on the type of class you are taking (Online, Hybrid, or On-campus) you may use Canvas extensively or on occasion. We encourage students to read through the information below prior to the first day of class to ensure you are prepared.


  1. Create your Bellevue NetID as soon as you register for classes
    • It can take up to 24 hours for your NetID to become fully activated
    • You will use your NetID to login to Canvas, email and other campus services
    • If you create your NetID after the quarter starts, it could take up to 48 hours before you have access to your course(s) in Canvas
  2. Whether you are taking an Online, Hybrid, or on-campus course, check to see if your class requires textbooks. Visit the BC Bookstore for more information on books. 

    Note: Since students cannot access their Canvas classes until the first day of the quarter, the BC Bookstore is the place to go for textbook information and purchases prior to the first day. Books are available either in person or online, roughly a month before the start date for that class.
  3. Check to make sure your computer meets Canvas’ minimum technology requirements. We recommend checking your browser at least once per quarter to make sure the version you use is still supported.
  4. Check out one of our student Canvas workshops. Whether you are new to Canvas or just looking for more information on how Canvas works, we have a variety of Canvas Workshops available.
  5. Students will have access to their courses on the first day of the quarter. You will be able to login to Canvas, but you will not have access to course content prior to the first day. To login to Canvas you will need to have created your NetID.
    • If your Bellevue email is "" your NetID is "username"
    • Your password is the password that you created to go with your account
  6. You can also contact our Service Desk throughout the quarter for issues related to campus technology. We are located in B233 and can be reached at (425) 564-4357.
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Article ID: 23811
Sat 1/28/17 7:06 PM
Thu 1/20/22 12:54 PM

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