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Log in to see all technology related services

Please log in to see all technology related services. ... To see all Services that IT provides, please log in.

Install Microsoft Teams on a Personal Device

Download and install MS Teams. ... on a mobile device. One amazing thing about Teams, is that the interface should be nearly identical on all platforms. Employees who are using a college-owned device, will have access to the desktop

How To: Activate your Account in ctcLink

Instructions for how to activate your ctcLink account for initial setup. ... store the password you create and write down the ctcLink ID number once your account is activated. ● Note: Contact the Bellevue College ITS Service Desk if you have problems with sign-in credentials

How to: Submit a Ticket in TeamDynamix (TDX)

Summary Instructions on how to submit a ticket request to ITS in TeamDynamix. Please visit our Service Catalog to view our technology categories and services. Please follow the steps below for how

Translate web pages in Google Chrome

Translate web pages in Google Chrome web browser. ... Article - Translate web pages in Chrome - Traditional Chinese.pdf ... Summary Follow the steps below to translate web pages in Google Chrome web browser: Translate web pages in Chrome When you come across a page written in a language you don't understand, you

Disable Compatibility Mode in Internet Explorer

Summary Directions for disabling Compatibility Mode in Internet Explorer 11 Why should I disable this? Compatibility View / Mode was introduced in Internet Explorer 8 to help existing

Instructions for accessing software from Imagine

Summary Instructions for accessing software distributed through Microsoft Imagine previously called DreamSpark, or MSDNAA program.  These instructions are applicable for qualifying users based on

How to: Turn Off Mail Forwarding in Outlook

How to turn off mail forwarding in Outlook. ... , not to the original sender. How to: Turn Off Mail Forwarding in Outlook In Outlook Web App, click Settings  > Mail > Forwarding To turn off forwarding, clear Enable forwarding and select Save.

How to: Setup Inbox Rules and Forwarding

, not to the original sender. How to: Setup a Rule In Outlook Web App, click Settings  > Options > Organize Email > Inbox Rules. On the Inbox rules tab, click the arrow next to

Adding your Photo to Outlook Web App in Office 365

Knowledge about changing your profile picture in O365 ... Summary Add a photo to your user profile in Office 365  How To: Connect to your Bellevue College email Click on the profile icon on the O365 toolbar

Edit Office 365 Distribution Group Memberships in OWA

If you are an admin of a distribution group that exists in Office 365 (not in the on premise Exchange), you can edit the group memberships via the Outlook Web App: Log into https

How to use the Slideshow/Carousel in the Bellevue College CMS

Instructions on how to use the integrated homepage slider/slideshow/carousel within the Mayflower theme used by the Bellevue College website content management system. ... Summary Instructions on how to use the integrated homepage slider/slideshow/carousel within the Mayflower theme used by the Bellevue College website content management system. How to activate

How to: Create a Voicemail using Microsoft Teams in Office 365

Steps involved to create a voicemail greeting using Microsoft Teams. ... Summary Please follow the steps below to create a voicemail greeting using the Microsoft Teams: Login to Microsoft Teams with your Bellevue College NetID Click your Profile icon in the

Administrative Login to the Bellevue College Official Website (WordPress)

Instructions on how to login into an official Bellevue College website site and establish a profile. ... same you use to log in to your Bellevue College computer, email, canvas, and other services. Press Log In. Note: Logging in for the first time may take a very long time. If you get an error

Add Pages to Your MyBC Site

Instructions for adding pages to your MyBC SharePoint subsite ... Summary: Instructions for adding pages to your MyBC SharePoint subsite NOTE: You will need to be in Classic View (not Modern View) for the following instructions. You can switch to Classic View